RePneu coils spirals and Endobronchial valves
In COPD therapy, the following surgical procedures for lung volume reduction (LVR) are recommended:
RePneu coils spirals
Endobronchial valves
Aim and effect of lung volume reduction (LVR)
The aim of these surgical procedures is to reduce the volume of hyperinflated portions of the lungs to allow air to move in and out more freely and to make breathing easier. Lung volume reduction seeks to reduce existing persistent pulmonary emphysema but at the same time creates more space for hyperinflation in other areas in the lungs. It is a purely symptomoriented measure.
Effect of RePneu coils spirals on the lungs
RePneu coils (also known as spirals) are made of Nitinol and have a „memory“ that lets them return to their original shape after being stretched. They have since 2010 found increasing use in minimally invasive endoscopic procedures conducted under general anaesthesia.
When inserted, the spirals are in a stretched out state. As they retract, they pull lung tissue along with them, reducing the volume of the hyperinflated lung areas. This leads to relief in the adjacent lung areas and thus facilitates breathing. At least that’s the theory. The RePneu coils can function regardless of the anatomy of the lungs of the COPD sufferer. Once the RePneu coils have been inserted they cannot be removed again!

RePneu coils – spirals are inserted in the middle branch of the left lung and retract to their spiral shape after the operation, tugging lung tissue together as they do so. As a result, the upper and lower branch / lung area has more space.