Spirovital Therapy for diseases with HRV

HRV analysis – study before and after 20 minutes of oxygen energy therapy

Over 16% increase in total energy (TP) with OET

Over 27% increase in parasympathetic nerve activity (RMSSD) with OET

Stress reduced (SI) by over 21% with OET

Diseases HRV analysis - over 16% increase in total power (TP) with OET
Over 27% increase in parasympathetic activity (RMSSD) with OET
Stress reduced (SI) by over 21% with OET

Study data:
37 people, of whom 21 women and 16 men

Age: 23 – 83, average: 52 years

Disease: Chronic cardiovascular problems, type I and II diabetes, COPD, Crohn’s disease, rheumatism, asthma, etc.

One-off OET, 20 mins, concomitantly with medical treatment, measurement of all known HRV parameters, especially total energy (TP), stress index (SI) and parasympathetic nerve activity (RMSSD), 5 mins before and after OET

Explore! For the Professionals and Health Conscious Magazine, Volume 16, Number 2, Presiott (USA) 2007